26 June 2020
Please do not attend the practice unless you have been given an appointment. The Chief Dental Officer for Wales has recently announced plans to phase back in certain dental treatments. Please take note that routine dentistry is NOT currently appropriate or available in Wales due to the risk of transmission of Covid-19. From 22nd June 2020 we have set about contacting patients who have had emergency issues during the last few months. We will be prioritising care for these patients initially, before we begin to contact patients who have outstanding treatment from before the pandemic hit. We can no longer see the volumes of patients that we used to see due to new heightened cross infection protocols and the specified times we must leave surgeries empty between patients to air the rooms. This does unfortunately mean that seeing all of these patients with outstanding problems will be a gradual and slow process and we do ask for your patience as we adapt to the new processes that we must adhere to.
Please also note that treatments which may have previously been provided on the same day as an assessment, may now require subsequent appointments, or possibly even referral, due to the nature of how we must now work to ensure both your safety and the safety of our staff.
We are waiting on arrival of a number of new mandatory PPE items before we are able to offer a more complete range of treatments to our patients. We are also training staff and walking through all the new processes to ensure a smooth and safe transition back to offering more treatments in this new environment. Once all the new PPE items have arrived, we hope to provide a video showing how staff will now look when you attend the practice and to walk through the practice itself to show you what the patient journey through an appointment will look like. In the meantime, here are some basic points to explain how we now operate: